The 9th of February 2020 was a joyful day in our parish as 39 little children received Jesus in their hearts for the first time. The church also reflected this joy with the artistic decoration and beautiful flowers.

The First Holy Communion Eucharist was held at 9.30am. In his homily, Fr. Joe Rodrigues explained to the little ones how the host although made from wheat, is different from the other bread that we eat namely bakri, pav, katri pav, Kakon etc, as it changes into the body of Jesus and the wine into the blood of Jesus during the consecration. Father also emphasized that each time we receive communion we become more like Jesus.

A prayerful atmosphere was created by the Junior Grace choir consisting of our very own Catechism children. It was delightful to see the communicants offering everything they do, as a gift to Jesus, in the Post Communion action song which was well choreographed by the Communion Catechists: Alisa, Steefni, Annaliza, Brissa and Dave.

The celebration ended with the distribution of certificates and snacks to the communicants who were radiant with joy.